A Tribute to Gaydell Collier
If you ever spent a few minutes talking with Gaydell Collier,
or heard her read her poignant poetry, or one of her funny essays, or experienced her
deep way of listening, or soaked in any of the humble, wise opinions solicited from
her, then most likely you loved her too.

I first met Gaydell in 1987 when I walked into the little
library in Sundance, Wyoming, and she greeted me, handing me the monthly
calendar of library events. “What’s Bearlodge Writers?” I asked her. “Our
local writing group,” she answered. “We meet the second Tuesday of every month and the third Wednesday of every month.” And thus began the rekindling of my own
writing dreams, dormant since my college years in the 70s.
“The important thing is to touch the earth and stand in the
wind,” Gaydell wrote in Leaning into the Wind, the first of three "Wind Anthologies" she co-edited with Linda Hasselstrom
and Nancy Curtis (published by Houghton Mifflin), “to know you are a part of the whole—not superimposed like
asphalt. On the plains, in the
mountains, you learn that you are as important as the beaver, the hawk, the
dragonfly—but not more so. You are a
part of the Circle.”
Her gifts to the equine community were equally impressive. In 1974, she sat at her kitchen table with her friend Eleanor Prince, and put together Basic Horsemanship: English and Western, A Complete Guide for Riders and Instructors. This book, and two subsequent horse books, would turn out to be some of Doubleday's best-sellers in their Equestrian Library.
After I moved from Wyoming to Colorado, Gaydell and I stayed in touch with phone calls, emails, at writer's conferences, and even at the airport. In the photo below, Gaydell is getting ready to fly to France to see her longtime pen pal Monique. Their friendship began in 1947 and lasted 66 years. Last October at the Women Writing the West Conference in Albuquerque, John and I shared breakfast with Gaydell and Wyoming Poet Laureate Pat Frolander.

We sat at her kitchen table, our dogs laying beside us, and I told her about hiking my land with the archeologist, hoping to find some significant artifacts that might halt the rerouting. Gaydell offered a few calm, consoling words, and I thought of all the triumphs and tragedies she had experienced in her life. The death of a son, a daughter, a husband, beloved dogs and horses. The birth of stories, poems and books, countless friendships, loving grandchildren. "Know you are a part of the whole," her words echo now, "not superimposed like asphalt...you are a part of the Circle.” And so, as I listen to these thousand winds, I will think of Gaydell, at the center now, of that Great Circle.
Note: You may read Gaydell's official obituary on the Wyoming Arts Council blog.\
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Nancy Curtis
High Plains Press
My thoughts are with you,
Love, Laurie