Kissed by a Fox

Okay, I confess. I want this title. I want this cover. I covet the complexity of this accomplished work and the gracious wisdom of this accomplished author. To read Priscilla Stuckey’s memoir KISSED BY A FOX requires patience – it is not for the reader seeking a “fast book” experience. But if you’re drawn to the slow food movement , which is all about savoring each bite and commitment to environment and community, then you’re the perfect reader for this Counterpoint Press release. Priscilla Stuckey elegantly weaves into this memoir the many grasses that make up the fields and open spaces of her life. Spirituality – as seen through the lens of an arduously gained doctorate in religious studies and feminist theory. Humanity – as seen through the lens of a woman once ill, adrift and grieving, now firmly rooted to health, love and community. And Nature – humbly seen through the lens of a two-legged mammal learning l...