Horse & Human: The Mysterious Link

Horses have been studying humans from across the safety of a river, or from the overlook of a high ridge, or from across an expanse of grassland, for thousands of years. The oldest archealogical evidence links horses and humans as far back as 400,000 to 600,000 years ago, not as companions, but as prey and predator. When horse and human first touched because of a far more benevolent mutual curiosity, we may never know. But horses have been a part of the human heart, and of our history, for time immemorial. We incorporate their beings into every aspect of our lives. We celebrate their presence in our art, our stories, our lives. You can view Chinese painter Xu Beihongat's beautiful images through January at the Denver Art Museum . In Washington, DC at the National Museum of the American Indian, the exhibit A Song of the Horse Nation , created by museum scholar Emil Her Many Horses , celebrates native arts and the horse, the impact of the horse, and the decline and rev...