Spring Equinox Tribute to Our Father, Loren Dunton (thank you for understanding this slightly off topic post)
My father died at high noon on the Spring Equinox, a time of earthly balance when day and night are everywhere the same. The following is a tribute... Written March 20, 1998: I have emerged from the shadow of my father’s death. A year has passed, 365 days of darkness. The noon sun of the Spring Equinox rises high—illuminating memories of the comet Hale Bopp streaking across a night sky one year ago. My soul had no heart for spring last year. I found no joy in the spiraling call of the red-tailed hawk, in the raw-boned bucks of the new calves, nor in the straight-up leaps of the long-legged lambs. My spirit dwelt in sadness—stayed anchored to the twin calf lying frozen beneath a snowdrift, reached inside this dark place of loss as I had reached inside the dying ewe, my hand as desperate to pull life from her womb as I had been to draw meaning from my father’s last breath. Neither was within my grasp. A new spring has arrived....